Yulia Berry has performed as a soloist and chamber musician in prestigious venues around the world, and has been praised for her virtuosity, musicality, and expressive playing.

Yulia Berry’s performances in diverse venues and festivals have included Saint-Petersburg State Academic Capella, the Glazunov Concert Hall (SPb, Russia), The Glinka Philharmonic Chamber Hall (SPb, Russia), The Sheremetev Palace (SPb, Russia), The Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace (the former home of the Russian Emperors, SPb, Russia), The Mansion of Princess Vera F. Gagarina (the House of Composers, SPb, Russia), The Rimsky-Korsakov Museum (SPb, Russia), The House of Kochneva (SPb, Russia), The Palace of Grand Prince Vladimir Romanov (The House of Scientists, Spb, Russia), The Polovtsev Mansion (The House of Architects, Spb, Russia), The Dnepropetrovsk State Opera and Ballet Theatre (Ukraine), The Smolny Cathedral Concert Hall (Spb, Russia), SKIF – 4, 5, 6 Festivals (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), “Folk-Marathon-2001” (Petrozavodsk, Russia), «Faces Ethnofestival» (2001, Finland), The Central House of Artists (Moscow, Russia), Boston Public Library, numerous openings and other events.

Yulia Berry toured extensively in Russia and Europe with the popular ethno-rock/folk band The Vermicelli Orchestra from 1999 to 2002 and performed with The Vermicelli Orchestra in live television and radio performances.

Yulia has done recording studio work for classical and pop singers.
Romanian-Canadian composer Marius Herea, Italian flutist and composer Onorio Zaralli, American composer Eugene Magalif dedicated their pieces to Yulia Berry.
Her recent performances include Trio Russe concert in Boston.

Trio Russe includes Yulia Berry, Ronna Ayscue and Yelena Prizant.
Ronna Ayscue was the principal flutist for 27 years with the Bay Atlantic Symphony and has performed in concerts with Anthony Newman, the great harpsichordist, organist & pianist, Igor Kipnis, the celebrated harpsichordist & pianist, Elizabeth Boggs, Philadelphia harpsichordist, David Booth, violinist/harpsichordist & pianist with the Philadelphia Orchestra and Robert Trent, classical guitarist. She also was the flutist with Musica Sacra, specializing in Bach’s Works and the featured soloist twice with Amarita Chamber Players, top strings of the Philadelphia Orchestra. She has performed with Trio Russe in Boston. She is currently performing with acclaimed Korean pianist, Hugh Sung, in works by Schubert, Griffes, Hindemith, Poulenc, and Corrette.
Yelena Prizant is an active chamber music performer and recitalist with a broad range of classical and modern repertoire. She has appeared with numerous orchestras, including the Bachanalia Chamber Orchestra, European Strings, and CMF of NE, and she has participated in piano duos with Jakov Jakoulov in festivals in Europe and throughout New England.