Great Home Remedies
I became a health researcher because I am allergic to medicines and has always had to look for alternative medicines. I have tested many of them and found that they really work and have no side effects.
Since then, my passion has been to collect the most interesting natural home remedies, plants for healthy eating and beauty tips from around the world.
Every remedy in my collection has been tried by real people with success.
Part of my vast collection is published on the Great Home Remedies website.

Aloe – Your Miracle Doctor
In September 2007, I released my Aloe Your Miracle Doctor eBook, in which I published for the first time 150 unique and proven home remedies based on the aloe vera plant.
It immediately became an internet sensation and was promoted by thousands of affiliate partners.
In 2009 the Aloe – Your Miracle Doctor book and the entire website was translated into Spanish by a professional translator, opening up a whole new world of possibilities to reach Spanish speaking audience. As a result, the book strengthened its position as an Internet bestselling sensation on an alternative health topic and gained tens of thousands readers and followers.

Starting 2013, the work around the book has slow down, due to me switching focus on Mobile apps building and developing.
As of now, I decided to update and bring it back due to many requests I’ve been getting over the years. I am currently working on the second edition and updating the site.
Pharmacy in Vegetables
In April 2008, I published my report The Pharmacy in Vegetables, in which I show how to use the science behind the health benefits of vegetables to improve your health, slow down aging, and cure underlying diseases. It later became part of the “Aloe – Your Miracle Doctor” package.

The books are available in English and Spanish